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Category Archives: Forex Trading

What Is a Whipsaw, and How Can One Trade It? for FXOPEN:EURUSD by FXOpen
What Is a Whipsaw, and How C...
Overbought stocks may witness an abrupt decline in prices and vice versa. To avoid whipsaw, be cautious while taking long positions in overbought stocks and short ...
Jun 17, 2024 , 0
Market liquidity explained Why is liquidity important? IG International
Market liquidity explained W...
And conversely a buyer won’t have to pay an increased amount to secure the asset they want. The liquidity of a particular investment is important ...
Apr 19, 2024 , 0
Financial Markets: Role in the Economy, Importance, Types, and Examples
Financial Markets: Role in t...
Some of the securities include stocks and bonds, raw materials and precious metals, which are known in the financial markets as commodities. Money markets provide ...
Dec 05, 2022 , 0