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March 24, 2023

10 Most Damaging Myths About Alcoholism Alcohol Recovery Blog

Once it enters your system, it triggers immediate physiological changes in the brain, heart, and liver, among other organs. Over time, these changes can lead to long-term health complications if you’re drinking too much. This myth allows those with alcoholism at any stage in their disease to rationalize their drinking. While some people do lose everything before they decide to seek treatment, individuals should and do seek help before they reach this point.

Myth: Only people who drink everyday have a problem with alcohol.

It keeps us from seeing AUD in our families and friends, or at our jobs. It’s important to cut through the AUD myths and learn the facts. Ria Health offers several FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder. When combined with counseling, this approach is proven highly effective. This myth likely grew to prominence because of the way its often drank—as a shot. We couldn’t find any formal studies on the subject, but shows like Mythbusters and Manswers have tackled the topic before.

  • Learn which signs to look out for, and how to care for your well-being.
  • Being able to drink more may also encourage you to do so, making you more likely to develop an unhealthy habit.
  • The symptoms and severity of your hangover — like your alcohol tolerance — depends on many factors, says Marino.
  • Also, there may be various genetic factors that come into play as to how individuals react to drinking alcohol and whether they are vulnerable to addiction.
  • But an average night of drinking won’t lead to any long-term brain damage.
  • Dr. Oesterle leads Mayo Clinic’s inpatient rehabilitation program for addiction and says he often sees alcohol use become a problem for people after they retire.

Myth #9: Alcoholics drink every day, all-day

myths about alcoholism

While some might have a heavier body, not all of them do, and the color of the beer doesn’t determine its alcohol content. Guinness is often mistaken for a heavy, high ABV beer, when in fact, it has a light mouthfeel, only comes in at 4.2% ABV, and is relatively low in calories for a beer—125 calories in 12 ounces. One reason is that people become more sensitive to alcohol as they get older. Or they may take medicines that make the effects of alcohol stronger.

myths about alcoholism

Myth: I’m ok to drive in the morning after drinking.

Some may binge drink on weekends while abstaining during the weekdays. Others might develop a tolerance for alcohol over time and need more of it to feel its effects. Some people think that a “hair of the dog,” an alcoholic beverage consumed the morning after a night of heavy drinking, can help cure a hangover. The symptoms and severity of your hangover — like your alcohol tolerance — depends on many factors, says Marino. That includes age, weight, gender, ethnicity, family history, nutritional status, smoker status, mood, health conditions or whether you’re taking any medications. Some people think that a “hair of the dog,” an alcoholic beverage consumed the morning after a night of heavy drinking, can help cure a hangover.

myths about alcoholism

  • Another side-effect you’ll experience is sweating more, adding to the dehydration.
  • However, it will not improve your coordination or decision-making skills.
  • That includes age, weight, gender, ethnicity, family history, nutritional status, smoker status, mood, health conditions or whether you’re taking any medications.
  • Drinking impairs your judgment, which increases the likelihood that you will do something you’ll later regret.

But the consequences of this often include riskier behavior, greater chances of injury, and higher odds of acting on a poor impulse. For exactly this reason, several beverages that mix energy drinks with alcohol have been taken off the market. To begin with, some people should never drink any alcohol whatsoever.

myths about alcoholism

Myth: You can prevent a hangover by drinking water or using hydration supplements.

myths about alcoholism

But dealing with those feelings and tackling the “why” of your alcoholism is the only way to get on a healthy recovery path. After work, it’s perceived as normal to meeting with coworkers for happy hour or having a glass of wine when you get home. Binge drinking is viewed as a harmless rite of passage during college and drunken escapades are often considered funny even if they cause significant harm. Not only is this irreverent attitude toward alcohol consumption dangerous, but it is also yet another way people with dependency issues rationalize their habits. It can make those who desperately need treatment, put off getting help for years, longer than they should. In truth, any amount of binge drinking (drinking to get drunk) is a threat to your safety and health.

Don’t expect products like sports drinks, vitamin-infused patches or hydration packets to work any miracles before or after a night on the town, says Marino. While they may keep you hydrated, they likely won’t address any other hangover symptoms. Experts break down the science behind six common hangover myths — and explain how alcohol affects your body.

Category: Sober living